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9 augusti, 2015 | Speciella satsningar

Karl Börjesson

Swedish Foundations’ Starting Grant Fellow 2015


Göteborgs universitet


2 800 000 kr i upp till fem år

Project summary

The research project aims to master the energy pathways in electronically excited molecules. Doing so is of fundamental importance in lighting technologies, which today consumes around 20% of all produced electricity in the world. In a modern lighting device such as a mobile phone screen, electricity is used to create electronically excited molecular states. We will develop molecular systems enabling the conversion of these excited states into light as efficient and fast as possible. Thus facilitating for a new generation of energy efficient lighting devices.


Karl Börjesson was awarded a Swedish Foundations’ Starting Grant (SFSG) in 2015. He was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2017 and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2023.