Application guidelines – call for post doc grant in law 2024

Detailed instructions on how to write and submit your application.


In these guidelines you will find information on:

  • the required content of different parts of the application,
  • how to use the digital platform SBS for writing and submitting your application.

All applications and supporting documentation must be submitted through SBS. Any created, but not submitted, applications will be removed after the submission deadline.


Please note that both the applicant and the Head of Department are required to digitally sign the application (using Swedish Bank-ID) before the deadline for the call. By signing the application, the Head of Department verifies that the host institution will comply with the requirement for the grant.


Signing in to SBS

Sign in here. You will reach ‘My page’, where you can create a new application, review drafts, and see previously submitted applications.


Previous users

If you have created an account previously, please use the same account now.

  • If you already have an account connected to BankID, choose this option to login.
  • If your account is not yet connected to BankID, choose the option to log in using your e-mail and password. The system will ask you to fill in some additional information to update the account and link it with BankID. When this is completed, please log out and log in again using the BankID option.


New users 

Before you create an account, we request that you review the information about handling of your personal data, and agree to the terms and conditions.


Enter your personal information and contact details. Note that the e-mail address cannot include upper case letters. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you for verification, use the link in the e-mail message to sign in. When signed in you can choose language settings (English or Swedish) under ‘My profile.


Note that the registration of an application requires that you have a Swedish Bank ID. If you do not have a Bank ID you need to contact us at least two weeks before the deadline to make special arrangements.


Creating, editing and submitting an application 

An application is created in seven steps. You can always ‘Exit (save draft)’ using the button in the lower right-hand corner to save your information at every step provided that the fields are correctly completed; otherwise a warning will be displayed. The application will be saved under the tab ‘Drafts” on ‘My page’.


From step 3, you have the possibility to work with your application in a non-chronological order. Do not use the arrows in your web browser to move between steps; instead, use the ‘Previous’ / ’Next’ buttons in the lower left corner of the grant portal window. Your application is editable until you actively choose to submit it at the last step.


We recommend writing the application locally using a word processing program, and thereafter copy and paste the text into the corresponding fields in the system. Note that formatted text will disappear when pasting your text. Please also note that the grant portal may count the number of characters differently to e.g. Word. If the stated maximum is exceeded, all characters exceeding the maximum will be removed. Therefore, always preview your application before submitting it.


Step 1 – Grant manager/Principal investigator

1 A. Grant manager
Choose from a list of Swedish higher education institutions. For other organisations or institutions, state the organisation’s corporate number, and click ‘Search organisation’. To select department, filter the result by searching for your department, for instance ‘Juridiska’ or ‘Juridicum’.

1 B. Head of Department – contact details

Upon completion of this application, the Head of department will be requested to co-sign it on behalf of the grant manager.

1 B. Applicant / Principal investigator – contact details

The contact information you provided when creating your account is displayed here. Some of the information can be updated under the ‘My profile’ category on ‘My page’.


Step 2 – Research field 

2 A. Research field
Select research field.

2 B. Grant category / Call
Choose ‘Postdoc fellow’.

2 C. Date for PhD award
This is required to assess eligibility for the call. Please refer to the call text for further information on eligibility criteria.

2 D. Upload a copy of PhD diplomas for all project members (max 2mb)

2 E. Extension of the eligibility window
Have any of the project members had career breaks and need to request an extension of the eligibility window? If yes, complete tab 2.1.


Step 2.1 – Career breaks (if applicable)

Supporting documents (e.g. documentation from Försäkringskassan or equivalent) can be attached in step 6c of the application. If you do not wish for your supportive documentation to be read by your Head of Department, please contact us before submitting your application.

2.1 B. Indicate the number of days of extension you need to full fill the eligibility criteria.

2.1 C. Please specify your eligible career breaks.

2.1 D. Comment (if applicable). Use only if you need to describe the career break(s) in more detail.


Step 3 – Project summary 

3 A. Project title (max 255 characters including spaces).

3 B. Grant period should be stated. Refer to the call text for information on allowed starting date for the project. 

3 C. Scientific summary (1,200–1,500 characters including spaces) of the proposed project.

3 D. Popular Web summary (255 characters including spaces) is brief a popular science summary of your main research question that we will use on our web if the project is funded. This is the only part of the application to be written in Swedish.


Step 4 – Other financiers

4 A. Current research grants. Specify all your current grants, submitted applications, and grants that you plan to apply for in 2024-2025. State the funding source, granted amount (or amount applied for) and grant period (year and month). To delete saved data, check the box ‘Delete’ next to the line and click ‘Save’.

4 B. Comment (max 5,000 characters including spaces). If applicable, comment on how the project and budget of the present application relates to other grants stated above. Also state how much time you work (or plan to work) in the other projects. If you have several grants the total working time for you may not exceed 100%.


Step 5 – Budget 

The budget should be prepared per calendar year and consist of two parts: costs of personnel and other costs. Please refer to the call text for further information on eligible budget items and how we handle indirect costs and rental costs.


Personnel. State the following information about yourself: position (‘Postoctoral Fellow’), university, department, monthly salary for full-time employment. Note that we ask for the salary of a 100% employment, although only 80% of the time should be spent on the project. When you choose university from the drop-down menu the corresponding payroll supplemental wage (LKP) figure* will be generated automatically. If your university cannot be found in the drop-down menu, please fill in the information manually. Click ‘Save/add new line’ and the sum applied for will automatically be calculated for the stated monthly salary, LKP and working hours spent on the project. When the budget for one year has been saved, you can copy and re-use the budget for the following year by clicking on ‘Copy previous year’. The auto-filled data can be edited.

*Supplemental wage (LKP) is the cost for the employer to employ a person in addition to their salary.


Other costs. Choosing ‘Other’ opens a field enabling manual input of an item. Every item under ‘Other costs’ must be specified in the ‘Project proposal’ (step 6). State the total sum for each item, e.g. equipment, travels etc. Please refer to the call text for information on eligible costs.


Step 6 – Project proposal, CV, publication list and attachments 

6 A. Project proposal (maximum 25,000 characters including spaces). The proposal should include the following headlines and sections.

  • Purpose and aims: briefly state the purpose and specific aims of the proposed project.
  • State of the art: briefly summarise relevant research in the field, including key references.
  • Significance and scientific contribution: describe how the proposed project relates to previous work in the field and how the project will add to this. Also describe the contribution of the project to the field, both short and long term.
  • Preliminary and previous work: briefly describe your own previous work and/or pilot studies in the field.
  • Project description: describe in more detail the project design using the following headlines.
    • Theory and method: describe the underlying theory and method which will be used to achieve the stated aims.
    • Timeline and implementation: briefly describe the timeline for the project and how the project will be implemented. Also describe any important risks that may hamper the project and how you intend to mitigate this.
    • Project organisation (if applicable): describe if the work project is part of a larger research project. Also describe if the project depends on results, personnel or similar from other research projects that are beyond your control.
  • Line of independence (if applicable): if the project will be part of a larger research project briefly describe how they relate to each other. If the project is a continuation of work from your PhD-thesis briefly describe the relationship and how the proposed project extends on the thesis.
  • Access to archives, collections, specific equipment, research infrastructures and similar (if applicable): briefly describe if you need access to any of these and how you will ensure proper access.
  • Ethics (if applicable): briefly describe any ethical issues present in the project and how they will be addressed. State if an ethical approval is needed and if it has already been applied for or will be applied for later*.
  • Comment to the budget: specify any ´Other costs´ listed in the budget.

* Note that the ethical approval should not be submitted. It is the responsibility of the grant manager to ensure that research conducted complies with the terms and conditions specified in Swedish law and we expect that this is full filled.


If tables, figures, graphs etc are needed to describe any of the above this may be provided as pdf attachments. Such attachments need to be references in the text.


6 B. Curriculum vitae (maximum 10,000 characters including spaces). The CV is attached as a pdf file. If there are several participating researchers CVs for all of them should be submitted. The CV(s) should include the following headlines.

  • Education: provide information on your doctoral education as well as education on bachelor and master level. This should include type of degree, university and date (year and month) of issuing the degree. Note: if you will receive your doctoral degree after the deadline for the call you need to provide information on the expected date for the planned examination.
  • Work and employment: list your current and previous academic positions including type of employment, employer and dates for the employment (year and month). If your current employer is not the same as the host institution for the proposed project both should be listed. If applicable, also describe other relevant work experiences and/or international exchanges.
  • Merits and awards: list supervised students with name, university, type of student (e.g. master student in subject X) and dates (year and month). List competitive grants that you have received with information on project name, timeline for the project, amount of funding, funding agency and if you were the main applicant for the grant. Also list awards and any other merits relevant for the application (e.g. research or teaching awards, keynotes etc).

6 C. Attachments to the proposal (max four documents). Additional files may be attached if the content cannot be expressed in the proposal. Always refer to the attachment in the proposal. Attached documents should be in PDF format and each document should not exceed 2 MB. Attached documents can be reviewed in step 7 under ‘Preview’.

6 D. Publications List all your publications and specify what type of publication it is (e.g. PhD thesis, peer reviewed article). For co-authored publications also describe your role and contribution. Publications in the list may be substituted by other relevant types of research output such as e.g. patents, software or datasets. In such cases include title, id and year of publication.


Step 7 – Preview and submission

Here you can preview your application before submitting it. Once submitted, the application cannot be changed.

Save your application as a draft
 To save your document as a draft, click ‘Exit (save draft)’ on the bottom right. The application will be saved under the tab ‘Drafts’ on ‘My page’.

Request signature 
When the application is finished, click on ‘Request signature’ under the section ‘Required signatures’. This generates an e-mail to the Head of Department asking them to co-sign the submission on behalf of the host institution.

Final submission You will receive a confirmation e-mail when the Head of Department has co-signed the application and after this you are able to submit the application. The application will not be submitted (or visible) to the foundation before this step is completed.

 After submission you will be redirected to ‘My page’. A notification confirming that ‘Your application is now submitted’ will be displayed, as well as a reference number. We recommend that you note this number and refer to it if you are contacting us about the application.

Commonly asked questions

Q: Will my e-mail be answered more quickly if I send it to everyone at the foundation?

A: No, please use We will do our very best to answer as quickly as possible.


Q: How do I add overhead costs to the budget?

A: We do not consider overhead an eligible cost, instead we add a fixed amount when a grant is approved. Make sure to add all other project related costs to the budget.


Q: Is it possible to work abroad during the project period?

A: We encourage international exchange as long as  the researchers is employed by a Swedish host institution. Where the researcher spends their time is for them and their employer to decide.


Q: The pre-set figure for ‘LKP’ (lönekostnadspåslag) in SBS is incorrect. What do I do?

A: We import this data from the universities and it is not possible to change manually in SBS. If the figure is incorrect, please describe this in the application and state the correct figure. If the application is funded we will make sure that the numbers are correct in the decision.


Q: Can I recieve copies of previously funded applications.

A: No. As a private foundation the principle of publicity (offentlighetsprincipen) does not apply to us.