Utlysningar 2010-2018
Stiftelsen anlitar sakkunniga för att granska alla ansökningar som skickas in i våra utlysningar. Vi vinnlägger oss om att sätta samman en panel med experter inom ämnet. Namnen på granskarna publiceras i efterhand för att vara transparenta. Det är inte meningen att sökande ska kontakta tidigare granskare utan all kommunikation om ansökningar sker med stiftelsens kansli.
Stefan Arora-Jonsson (2016)
Professor of Business Administration
Uppsala University
Olof Arwidi (2010)
Professor of Business Administration
Lund University
Barbara Czarniawska (2010, 2014)
Professor of Business Administration
Gothenburg Research Institute, University of Gothenburg
Frédéric Delmar (2015)
Professor of Entrepreneurship
Lund University
Ulf Elg (2011–2013)
Professor of Business Administration
Lund University
Susanna Fellman (2011–2013)
Professor of Business History
School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg
Claes-Fredrik Helgesson (2015)
Professor of Technology and Social Change
Linköping University
Carin Holmquist (2013–2014)
Professor of Business Administration
Stockholm School of Economics
Ulf Johansson (2014)
Professor of Business Administration
Lund University
Tore Ellingsen (2013–2014)
Professor of Economics
Stockholm School of Economics
Magnus Henrekson (2010)
Professor of Economics
Research institute of Industrial Economics
Per Krusell (2011–2018)
Professor of Economics
Institute for International Economy, Stockholm University
Eva Mörk (2015–2018)
Professor of Economics
Uppsala University
Olof Johansson Stenman (2014–2018)
Professor of Economics
School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg